OCkitchen Video of making everyday dishes Time required : 10minutes
OCkitchen Video of making everyday dishes
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Cooking: sao
Video shooting and editing: kei
Unrivaled Asian lover, but lives in California.
Partly because of my parents' influence, I have been very interested in foreign countries since I was little and have longed for the American culture that appears in Snoopy.
However, I've been addicted to Thai food since I was 30 years old, and since then I've found time to fly to Thailand (laughs).
If I lived in Japan, it would be close to Thailand, but I mumbled.
I'm a mother of two big sons who love cats and live in the United States with that in mind.
Kei (aloeworks) is in charge of video shooting and editing, and sao is in charge of cooking.
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OCkitchen Video of making everyday dishes Time required : 90minutes
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