J-BLAST channel Time required : 20minutes

J-BLAST channel
- Number of Subscribers
- 3.8万人
- Number of View
- 2,242.0万回
- Number of Videos
- 1,248本
Hello! This is J-BLAST (`・ ∀ ・)
We are uploading videos of hobbies, DIY, car maintenance / customizing, and pet dog Chihuahua (Rei-chan ♀).
When you purchase a highly rated or popular item on Amazon, we are reviewing it so please refer to it (∩´∀ `) ∩
I'm an Amazon enthusiast, so something arrives in the delivery box every day (laughs)
We are remodeling and renovating an old folk house with DIY.
Since amateurs rely on Google teachers for work, there are some (quite?) Rough points, but I hope that those who will be DIY in the same way will refer to the good and bad points as well. Is being created (* ・ ω ・)
We will be uploading a lot of maintenance and custom videos of motorcycles such as CBX, Jade, and scooter ~ (* ´ω ` *) g
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