Chef Shitara's cooking dojo Time required : 30minutes
Nikkorogashi (boiled taro) | Recipe transcription by Meakanai Challenge!
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- taro : 1.2kg
- モロッコいんげん : 適量
- 鶏もも肉 : 1/2枚
- ginger : 2~3枚
- 鷹の爪 : 1/3 bottle
- (A)Water : 適量
- (A) Sake : 適量
- 出汁パック : 1パック
- sugar : 大さじ2
- (B)Mirin : 大さじ3
- (B) Soy sauce : 大さじ3
Time required
make preparations
Cut the taro into appropriate size pieces.
Peel and chamfer the skin and place in a bowl filled with water (not listed).
Wash under running water (not listed) and drain.
Cut off both ends of the Moroccan green beans and cut into appropriate sizes.
Slice the ginger.
Cut the chicken thighs into appropriate sizes. -
Heat a pot and add sesame oil (not listed).
Add chicken thighs, ginger, hawk claws, and taro in order and stir-fry each time.
Add (A) and heat until boiling.
Reduce the heat to low and remove the scum.
Add the dashi pack, cover, and simmer for 15 minutes.
Pierce the taro with a bamboo skewer to check if it is cooked through.
Add sugar and mix.
Add (B), mix and simmer for 15 minutes.
Add Moroccan green beans.
Cover and simmer until the Moroccan green beans are cooked through.
・For the taro, we use bamboo shoots and shrimp potatoes.
・Wash and dry the taro.
・Water added in step 2 should be enough to submerge the taro.
・For simmered dishes, if you add strong seasoning, it cannot be corrected, so it is better to season lightly and then adjust.
・In the video, after it's finished, it's left to sit for a while until the flavors soak in before eating.
あさごはんチャンネル Time required : 10minutes
Koh Kentetsu Kitchen [Cooking expert Koh Kentetsu official channel] Time required : 20minutes
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