Easy cooking at Tsubuan's house Time required : 40minutes

Easy cooking at Tsubuan's house
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- 200本
Hello 😊
It's bean paste ♪
The name is "Tsubuan", but "Koshian school" is also welcome, thank you 💐
I would like to upload a lot of delicious cooking videos from now on ♪
Please take a look together.
🌺 Introducing "Easy Cooking at Tsubuan no Ie"
"Home cooking," "simple sweets," and "carbohydrate-restricted diet menu," which are mainly eaten at home.
It is a channel to make and introduce.
Occasionally, I try to cook interesting dishes on TV and SNS.
Also, the number of dishes that can be easily cooked using "microwave oven", "oven toaster", and "rice cooker" has increased, so I made a playlist. Please take a look 😊
💐 Thank you 💐
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Easy cooking at Tsubuan's house Time required : 45minutes
Easy cooking at Tsubuan's house Time required : 20minutes
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