奥薗壽子の日めくりレシピ【家庭料理研究家公式チャンネル】 Time required : 15minutes
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- pork belly block : 700g
- 卵 : 6個
- チンゲン菜 : 1株
- ねぎ : 適量
- にんにく : 1個
- 生姜 : 適量
- (A)水 : 900cc
- (A)醤油、酒、みりん : 各100cc
- (A)砂糖 : 65g
- (A)八角 : 1.5個
- (A)唐辛子 : 2本
Time required
Cut the meat into large pieces and put it in the frying pan.
Rub soy sauce (not listed) all over.
Peel the garlic cloves.
Peel the ginger and slice thinly. -
Make boiled eggs while grilling meat
Heat a frying pan and grill it over high heat.
Boil water in a pot, add a lot of salt (not listed) and boil the eggs.
Flip the meat over and grill.
Remove the eggs and soak them in water. -
Simmer (1st time)
Transfer the meat to a pot (A), add ginger and garlic, and bring to a boil.
peel the eggs.
When it boils, remove the scum, reduce the heat to low, cover with a drop lid and simmer for 2 hours.
Turn off the heat, add the boiled eggs, and cover with a drop lid.
Sleep for half a day to a day. -
Stew (2nd time)
・Choose meat with a lot of fat.
・Before simmering the meat, sprinkle it with soy sauce to brown it and make it fragrant.
・It is easy to peel garlic by heating it in a microwave oven (600W) for 30 seconds.
・Ginger peel can be used as a deodorant by freezing it.
- Do not add oil when grilling meat.
・Burning the meat before simmering it makes it more fragrant, less likely to produce lye, and retains the umami.
・Boil the eggs at room temperature for 6 minutes.
・Boil the eggs for the first minute while mixing them with chopsticks so that the yolks come to the center.
・Wipe off excess oil from the meat with kitchen paper.
・The simmering seasoning feels light, but the simmering makes it thicker.
・By adding star anise, it becomes a full-fledged taste.
・Adding uncut red pepper gives it a refined spiciness.
・If it boils down too much, add water.
・Kakuni soaks in the flavor by resting it once and simmering it again on low heat.
・You can keep the soft-boiled state by soaking the boiled egg after turning off the heat.
・Remove the egg when it is lightly boiled down.
・Boil bok choy from the root.
・The time required for simmering and resting is not included in the required time.
cook kafemaru Time required : 35minutes
Aoi's cafeteria in Okinawa Time required : 45minutes
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