Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 10minutes
Chinese cabbage kimchi|Miki Mama Channel's recipe transcription
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- Chinese cabbage (with core attached) : 4 balls (12 kg)
- salt : 24 tbsp (360 g)
- (A) Salted mysidacea : 300g
- (A) Canary extract : 150cc
- (A) Korean powdered chili pepper : 500g
- (A) Grated garlic (tube) : 180g (for about 3 pieces)
- (A) Grated ginger (tube) : 150g (for about 3 pieces)
- (A) Shiratamako : 6 tbsp
- (B) Apple or none (grated) : 2 pieces
- (B) Honey : 18 tbsp (378 g)
- (B) Chinese chive (cut into 5 cm lengths) : 2 bundles
- (B) Carrot (5 cm long julienne) : Two
- (B) Onions (sliced) : 2 pieces
- (C) Niboshi : 80g
- (C) Dried shiitake mushrooms : 5 pieces (15g)
- (C) Kelp (cut into 5 cm x 10 cm) : 60g
Time required
Salt Chinese cabbage
Put water (6 cups: out of the amount) and (C) in a small pan, boil for a while, turn off the heat and leave overnight.
Sprinkle 6 tablespoons of salt per ball of Chinese cabbage, sprinkle more roots and less leaves, put in a bag and squeeze out the air. -
Shed salt
Taste the core and leaves of Chinese cabbage in 1 and rinse with water until you feel that the saltiness is a little light.
Squeeze it tightly and put it in a bag.
If the salty taste is strong, soak it in water for 15 to 30 minutes to remove the salt. -
Make glue
Strain the dashi stock from 1 with a colander and put it in a pan.
Add Shiratamako and simmer on medium heat for about 5 minutes until it melts and becomes sticky.
Take the rough heat. -
Make kimchi (yangnyeom)
Add (A) and (B) to 3 and mix.
Taste Yangnyeom and adjust by adding canary extract if it is thin and honey if it is not sweet enough. -
Apply more Yangnyeom to the core of 2 and less to the leaves.
Put it in a bag, close the mouth, chill it in the refrigerator and store it.
・ As soon as you make it, you can eat it like a salad, so you can enjoy the unique taste of handmade products.
・ Since water does not easily come out from the core, sprinkle a lot of salt. Please note that if you do not drain the water, you will not be able to make delicious kimchi.
・ Because the salty taste differs depending on the size of Chinese cabbage and how to sprinkle salt, be sure to taste one ball at a time. If the salty taste does not come out even after washing, pour water into a bowl, soak it in water, and remove the salt for about 15 to 30 minutes.
・ There is no problem even if Shiratamako is not completely deceived.
・ Yangnyeom (Kimchi no Moto) has a lot of chili peppers, so my hands hurt. It is good to wear gloves. Also, be sure to taste and adjust before applying to Chinese cabbage.
・ Yangnyeom (Kimchi no Moto) is delicious when it is firmly attached to Chinese cabbage.
あさごはんチャンネル Time required : 8minutes
apron Time required : 15minutes
Evening cafeteria Time required : 35minutes
Koh Kentetsu Kitchen [Cooking expert Koh Kentetsu official channel] Time required : 10minutes
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