Kuma's limit cafeteria Time required : 30minutes
マフィン(オートミールマフィン)|おかしな実験室【tetsuko's room】さんのレシピ書き起こし
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- 92本
- (A) oatmeal powder : 100g
- (A)ベーキングパウダー : 4g
- 卵 : 1個
- お好みの甘味料 : 70g
- 溶かし無塩バター(またはお好みのオイル) : 40g
- お好みのミルク : 50g
- バニラオイル : 少々
- お好みのジャム : 適量
Time required
make the dough
Crack the eggs into a bowl and beat well with a whisk.
Add sweetener and mix well to dissolve.
Add the oil little by little, mixing each time, then add the vanilla oil and mix. -
add flour
Add (A) to the bowl of 1 and mix well.
Arrange the muffin cups on the baking sheet and pour the batter into the muffin cups up to about 80%.
Bake in an oven preheated to 180°C for 20-25 minutes to complete.
・ 2 muffin cups (diameter 5.9 cm x height 5 cm) + 4 S size muffin cups (diameter 4 cm x height 3.6 cm).
- Bring eggs to room temperature.
・The oil may be unsalted butter, but rice oil or rapeseed oil may also be used. I used coconut oil in the video.
・You can use whatever milk you like, but soy milk is used in the video. If using coconut oil, add a little warm soy milk to prevent the coconut oil from curdling.
・When adding (A) to the bowl, it is good to sift the powder together before adding. Commercially available powdered oatmeal may be used, but granulated oatmeal such as rolled oats may also be ground using a coffee mill or food processor.
・Small muffin cups can also be baked in a toaster oven. If you have a lot of dough, cover it with aluminum foil and let it cook all the way through.
・If you like to add jam, you can add jam and mix it before pouring it into the muffin cups, or add frozen blueberries to arrange it. Jam can be topped on top.
・When baking small muffins, bake in an oven at 180°C for about 20 minutes, then remove. Thread a bamboo skewer into it, and if it doesn't stick to anything, it's done.
・For the plain dough topping, we recommend using pureed cottage cheese that has been stretched with water or your favorite milk (not included in the quantity) to make it creamy. If you want to sweeten it, you can add your favorite sweetener. It is also possible to arrange by changing the water to your favorite jam.
・Once the muffins have cooled, we recommend heating them in the microwave to soften them.
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