あさごはんチャンネル Time required : 8minutes
Cake (chocolate cake with chocolate ice cream) | Recipe transcription by syun cooking
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- chocolate ice cream : 200g
- ホットケーキミックス : 100g
- チョコレート : 200g
- 牛乳 : 100ml
Time required
Place chocolate ice cream in a heat-resistant bowl and heat in a 500W microwave for 2 minutes.
Once heated, mix well. -
make a sponge
Add pancake mix to 1 and mix well.
Line a heat-resistant container with plastic wrap and add the dough.
Heat in a 500W microwave for 3 to 4 minutes.
Remove from the container and remove from heat.
Prepare a 12cm mold and cut the edges along the mold.
Cut it in half to make it evenly thick. -
cool in the refrigerator
Break the chocolate into pieces and put them in a bowl.
Add milk, heat in a 500W microwave for 2 minutes, and mix until glossy to make raw chocolate.
Pour raw chocolate onto the first sponge from Step 2 and spread it over the entire surface.
Layer the second sponge and cover with the rest of the raw chocolate.
Complete by chilling in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours.
・In the video, it says 200g of pancake mix, but actually use 100g.
・Use the sweetness of chocolate of your choice.
・When warming the dough, use a 15cm heat-resistant container. 12cm to 15cm can be substituted.
・Step 1: After heating, mix well to ensure evenness.
・In step 2, mix well until there are no lumps or powderiness and the mixture is smooth.
・In step 3, after warming, mix the mixture little by little starting from the center.
・Prepare the net when pouring the raw chocolate in step 3.
・When applying the raw chocolate, make sure to apply it evenly and spread it on the sides as well.
・The raw chocolate that falls on the plate can be used for topping, so transfer it to a bowl.
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