ギャル曽根公式チャンネル「ごはんは残さず食べましょう」 Time required : 20minutes
あんかけ(卵と豚バラ肉のあんかけ)|こっタソの自由気ままに【Kottaso Recipe】さんのレシピ書き起こし
お気に入りに追加- Number of Subscribers
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- 972本
- pork belly : 200g
- ニラ : 1束
- 人参 : 1/2本
- 白菜 : 1/8個
- 長ネギ : 1/2本
- (A)醤油 : 大さじ2
- (A)みりん : 大さじ2
- (A)酒 : 大さじ2
- (A)あごだし : 大さじ1
- (A)顆粒だし : 小さじ1
- (A)鶏ガラスープの素 : 小さじ1
- (A)塩コショウ : 適量
- にんにく : 小さじ2
- 生姜 : 小さじ1
- (B)オイスターソース : 大さじ1
- (B)豆板醤 : 小さじ1
- (B)水 : 100ml
- 砂糖 : 小さじ1
- 卵 : 4個
- 水溶き片栗粉 : 大さじ1
Time required
cut the ingredients
Wash the carrots and cut them into strips.
Wash the Chinese cabbage and cut it into small pieces.
Wash the green onions, cut off the roots, and cut them diagonally.
Wash the chives and cut them into bite-sized pieces.
Cut the pork belly into bite-sized pieces. -
heat up
Heat a frying pan, add pork belly and fry.
When it's lightly cooked, add the grated garlic and ginger and stir-fry.
Add carrots and fry.
Add Chinese cabbage and green onions and stir-fry.
Add (A) and mix.
Add (B) and simmer until the ingredients are slightly soft.
Add sugar and fry lightly.
Add chives and fry lightly.
Turn off the heat, add the water-soluble potato starch, mix, and heat over the fire. -
Put the eggs in a container and beat them.
Heat the skillet, add 2 and pour the beaten egg around 2.
Finish by adding black pepper (not listed).
・The amount is for 2 people.
・I use minced and grated garlic.
・You may use tubed garlic and ginger.
・It is also delicious if you add sesame oil as a finishing touch.
・For water-soluble potato starch, use potato starch dissolved in the same amount of water.
Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 40minutes
syun cooking Time required : 30minutes
syun cooking Time required : 45minutes
飲食店独立学校 /こうせい校長 Time required : 25minutes
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