Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 10minutes
プリン(コーヒー牛乳のカラメルプリン)|料理研究家ゆかりのおうちで簡単レシピ / Yukari's Kitchenさんのレシピ書き起こし
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- コーヒー牛乳 : 400ml
- 卵 : 4個
- (A) Granulated sugar : 40g
- (A) Water : 大さじ1
- お湯 : 大さじ2
Time required
Make the caramel sauce
Put (A) into a frying pan.
Once the water has soaked into the granulated sugar, heat over medium heat without stirring.
Once it has lightly browned and bubbles appear, swirl the pan to distribute the mixture evenly.
Once it turns a light caramel colour, reduce heat to low and swirl the frying pan while heating.
When the caramel starts to darken, turn off the heat and swirl the frying pan while continuing to cook using the residual heat.
Cover with a lid and pour in hot water, then put the lid back on and swirl the pan to mix well.
Once it has subsided, open the lid and pour the mixture into the cake mold and spread it out. -
Crack the eggs into a bowl and mix well with a whisk.
Put the coffee milk in a heat-resistant bowl and heat in a 600W microwave for 1 minute.
Once it has reached body temperature, add the eggs and mix well.
Strain through a fine mesh strainer and gently blend. -
Once the caramel sauce in cake mold 1 has solidified slightly, gradually pour in 2 from a low position.
Cover with aluminum foil.
Place a clean cloth on top of the baking tray and place the cake mold on top of it.
Pour about 80 degree hot water (not included in the recipe) into a tray until it is about halfway full.
Place the baking tray on a baking tray and bake in a preheated oven at 150°C for 45 to 50 minutes.
Leave in oven with door closed for 20 minutes. -
・The amount given is enough for one 15cm cake mold with a bottom.
・Medium-sized eggs are used.
- Always bring eggs to room temperature before using.
-Do not stir the caramel while it is heating, as it will crystallize.
- Use an extractor fan as smoke will be produced while heating the caramel.
・If the coffee milk does not warm to body temperature, heat it in the microwave for 3 + 10 seconds.
-If there are air bubbles on the surface after pouring in the pudding mixture, you can remove them by placing plastic wrap on the surface.
・The time it takes to remove the heat and chill in the refrigerator is not included in the required time.
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