Bakuba Cook Time required : 5minutes
English muffin | tabetette's recipe transcription
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- Strong powder : 200g
- Millet sugar : 8g
- salt : 3g
- Unsalted butter : 8g
- Dry yeast : 3g
- egg : 1 piece
- water : 1 tablespoon
- Corn grits : 50g
Time required
Knead the ingredients and ferment
In a bowl, add salt, millet sugar, yeast and strong flour, mix gently and add water.
Transfer them all together to a table, and when the dough has settled to a certain extent, add unsalted butter and let it blend well.
Transfer the dough to a bowl, cover with a shower cap and ferment until doubled. -
Degassing and splitting
Lightly spread the dough, degas, divide into 6 equal parts and roll.
Wet it and let it rest for 15 to 20 minutes. -
Molding and toppings
Dust it and stretch it to the size of a cercle.
Add water to the beaten egg, pass through the dough and sprinkle with corn grits.
Put it in cercle and ferment it with a wet cloth until it becomes 2.5 times. -
Cover the cercle with an oven sheet and bake in an oven at 190 ° C for 15-18 minutes.
Place the ingredients in a bowl and mix gently to allow air.
When the dough has come together to a certain extent, tear off the butter. It's sticky, but it's gradually coming together.
The cercle is 3 x 9 cm in size. Cardboard can be used as a substitute. Can be molded without it.
Cornmeal may be used instead of corn grits.
Place the oven sheet on the top and bottom of the cercle and bake.
Fermentation time is not included in the time required.
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