Cooking classes that are in tune with the lifestyles of chef Sakura Time required : 30minutes
Rare Cheesecake | Bakuba Cook's Recipe Transcription
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- Yogurt : 1 pack (400g)
- Cream cheese : 100g
- Lacanto : 50-60g
- gelatin : 10g
- hot water : 2 tablespoons
Time required
Make the dough
Put cream cheese in a bowl and mix until smooth.
Add lacanto and yogurt (small amount) and mix. -
Soothing gelatin
Put gelatin and hot water in a container, dissolve and mix.
Mix gelatin and a small amount of yogurt
Mix the yogurt in the pack and smooth it.
Add 1 to 2 tablespoons of yogurt to 2 and mix to blend. -
Add 3 to 1 and mix, add to the yogurt in the pack and mix.
Lightly drop the pack on the table several times to remove the air from the dough.
Cover with plastic wrap and chill in the refrigerator for 4-6 hours to harden.
・ Cream cheese should be returned to room temperature before use. If it's cold, lightly heat it in the microwave.
・ Mix the dough well until there are no lumps, and the finish will be nice to the touch.
・ When using water to soak gelatin, warm it in the microwave for about 10 seconds to dissolve it.
・ Since the finish differs depending on the amount of gelatin, adjust it to your liking. The more it is, the more solid the finish will be.
・ The amount of lacant can be increased or decreased as you like.
・ Mix soft gelatin and a small amount of yogurt and let it blend in, then add it to the dough to prevent it from becoming lumpy.
・ The time required to cool and harden in the refrigerator is not included in the required time.
あさごはんチャンネル Time required : 20minutes
奥薗壽子の日めくりレシピ【家庭料理研究家公式チャンネル】 Time required : 10minutes
syun cooking Time required : 20minutes
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