Chara Rinko Time required : 15minutes
Cheesecake | Kigure Cooking Study Kitchen's Recipe Transcription
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- 23本
- Yogurt : 400g
- lemon juice : Appropriate amount
- sugar : 40g
- Cream cheese : 1-2 tbsp
- gelatin : 5-10g
- hot water : Appropriate amount
Time required
Make yogurt liquid
Open the yogurt, add lemon juice and mix.
Add sugar and mix well. -
Finish the dough
Add cream cheese and mix well.
Add melted gelatin and finish
Add gelatin dissolved in hot water to 1 and mix thoroughly.
Cover and chill in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours to harden.
・ A simple recipe that you just mix and cool in a yogurt pack.
・ Adjust the amount of gelatin to your liking. If you want a soft finish, use 5g, and if you want a firm finish, use 10g.
・ Cream cheese will be easier to mix if it is returned to room temperature.
・ If the cream cheese is cold, heat it in the microwave for 30-40 seconds.
・ The time required to cool and harden in the refrigerator is not included in the required time.
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