KAZUAKI EGUCHI / チョコレートのプロ:ショコラティエ Chocolate Time required : 60minutes
クッキー(チョコチップクッキー)| TARO ROOMCAFEさんのレシピ書き起こし
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- melted unsalted butter : 50g
- ブラウンシュガー : 50g
- 塩 : ひとつまみ
- 卵 : 1/2個
- バニラオイル : 少々
- ベーキングパウダー : 1g
- 薄力粉 : 90g
- チョコレート : 50g
Time required
make the dough
Melt unsalted butter, brown sugar and salt in a bowl and mix with a whisk.
Crack the egg into a container, beat it, and put it in a bowl.
Add vanilla oil and mix.
Sift in the cake flour and baking powder and mix. -
add chocolate
Break the chocolate into small pieces and add it to 1, and mix with a rubber spatula so that it fits well.
Cover with plastic wrap and chill in the refrigerator. -
Roll the dough into small balls and place them on the baking sheet.
Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 12 minutes to complete.
・ Melt the unsalted butter in a hot water bath.
・Chill the dough in the refrigerator to make it easier to shape.
・The amount is for 10 pieces.
・The baking time varies depending on the temperature of the dough, so adjust it while checking the color of the dough.
・Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
・ You can eat freshly baked deliciously.
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KAZUAKI EGUCHI / チョコレートのプロ:ショコラティエ Chocolate Time required : 50minutes
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