Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 10minutes
フルーツピール(八朔ピール)|coris cookingさんのレシピ書き起こし
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- 八朔 : 2玉
- 水 : 400ml
- 砂糖 : 200g
- クエン酸 : 小さじ2/3
Time required
cut the hassaku peel
Lightly wash the hassaku with water (not listed).
Make a cross cut in the skin and peel.
Cut the skin in half and cut into sticks of about 7 mm. -
Put water (not listed) and 1 in a pot, bring to a boil over high heat, and simmer for 30 seconds.
Raise it to a colander, drain the hot water, and return only the hassaku skin to the pot.
Add new water (not listed), bring to a boil over high heat, and simmer for about 1 minute.
Once again, put it in a colander, drain the hot water, and boil it in the same way.
Put 2 and water (not listed) in a bowl, leave at room temperature overnight, drain in a colander and drain. -
Add water, sugar, and citric acid to a pot and heat over medium heat while stirring to make a syrup.
When the syrup boils, reduce the heat to low, add the hassaku peel and bring to a boil over medium heat.
Cover with a drop lid and simmer over low heat until 80% of the broth is gone.
Cool well and you're done.
・Do not include the time it takes to soak in water overnight after boiling.
・The size of the hassaku to cut in step 1 can be adjusted according to your needs.
・After boiling it three times in step 2, taste it to make sure that the bitterness has been removed.
・As a guideline for the degree of simmering in step 3, the broth should be slightly thickened, and when the pan is tilted, some of the broth should remain.
・The finished Hassaku Peel can be enjoyed even more by drying it with sugar or dipping it in chocolate.
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