cook kafemaru Time required : 60minutes
スパゲティ(クリームスパゲティ)|まかないチャレンジ! さんのレシピ書き起こし
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- 900本
- pasta : 200g
- ウインナー : 5~6本
- シーフードミックス : 120g
- 玉ねぎ : 1/4個
- しめじ : 1/2パック
- ピーマン : 1個
- ニンニク : 1片
- 鷹の爪 : 1/2本
- クリームシチューの素 : 1皿分
- 水 : 200cc
- 牛乳 : 50cc
- ケチャップ : 大さじ4
- ウスターソース : 大さじ1
- 塩胡椒 : 少々
- バター : 20g
Time required
cut material
Cut the wiener diagonally.
Cut the onion into thin slices.
Cut off the stalks of the shimeji mushrooms and loosen them.
Remove the seeds from the peppers and cut into thin slices.
Peel the garlic cloves and thinly slice. -
stir fry
Put water (not listed) in a pot, bring to a boil, and cook the pasta.
Heat up a frying pan and add butter, garlic, and hawk's claws until fragrant.
Add wieners and fry.
Add onions and shimeji mushrooms and fry. -
Add water and seafood mix to 2 and bring to a boil.
Add milk and cream stew mix and simmer.
Add ketchup and Worcestershire sauce and mix.
Add cooked pasta and peppers and mix.
Finished on a plate.
・Enter the amount for two people.
・You can substitute wiener with your favorite ham or bacon.
・Cream can be substituted for milk.
・You can change the seafood mix to your favorite meat.
・The water used in step 3 can be the water used to boil the pasta.
・You can use granules or leftover cream stew ingredients for the cream stew.
Kuma's limit cafeteria Time required : 20minutes
40kg Oatmeal Rice Diet Recipe [Korezo] Time required : 10minutes
syun cooking Time required : 25minutes
syun cooking Time required : 80minutes
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