Low-carb restaurant / masa Time required : 15minutes
ケーキ(ミニシフォンカップケーキ)|HidaMari Cookingさんのレシピ書き起こし
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- 卵黄 : 4個
- 太白ごま油 : 30g
- (A) Milk : 30g
- (A) Vanilla extract : 小さじ1
- 米粉または薄力粉 : 70g
- 卵白 : 4個
- レモン汁 : 小さじ1
- 砂糖 : 80g
- 卵黄 : 2個
- 砂糖 : 45g
- コーンスターチ : 14g
- (B)牛乳 : 200ml
- (B) Vanilla extract : 小さじ1
- (C)Fresh cream : 200ml
- (C) Sugar : 10g
- 粉砂糖 : 適量
Time required
Preparing the mini chiffon cake
Separate the egg yolks and egg whites into separate bowls.
Make the batter for the mini chiffon cake
Add Taihaku sesame oil to the bowl containing the egg yolks and mix gently with a whisk.
Add (A) and mix well until it is fully incorporated, then add rice flour (or soft flour) and mix well until it is no longer powdery. -
make meringue
Add lemon juice and half of the sugar (40g) to the bowl containing the egg whites, and beat with a hand mixer until the mixture becomes whitish.
Add the remaining sugar (40g) and whisk until light peaks form. -
Add a scoop of 3 to the bowl of 2 with a rubber spatula and mix thoroughly with a whisk.
Add the remaining meringue and mix with a rubber spatula.
Put it in a piping bag, pipe it into a muffin mold, bake it in a preheated oven at 170℃ for 20-25 minutes, then remove it from the muffin mold and let it cool on a wire rack to remove the heat. -
Put the egg yolks in a pot and mix them gently, then add the sugar and mix well with a whisk until it becomes whitish.
Add cornstarch and mix until it is no longer powdery, then add (B) and mix well.
Heat the saucepan over medium heat, stirring with a whisk, until thickened, about 2 minutes.
Strain through a colander, cover the custard cream with plastic wrap so that it sticks to the surface, and cover with ice water (not listed) in a plastic bag to cool. -
Put (C) in a bowl, place on top of a bowl containing ice water (not listed), and whisk with a hand mixer until it forms light peaks.
Put Step 5 into a bowl and mix with a rubber spatula until smooth.
Add the fresh cream and mix thoroughly, then pour into a piping bag fitted with a nozzle. -
・In the video, six muffin tins are lined with paper muffin cups.
-Does not include cooling time for mini chiffon cake or custard cream.
・When making meringue, add the sugar in two parts (the amount of sugar added in the first time is 40g).
・When adding the meringue to the egg yolk batter, mix the first meringue thoroughly with a whisk until it is fully incorporated, then use a rubber spatula to add the remaining meringue and scoop up the meringue from the bottom while cutting, being careful not to break the foam. It is best to mix it like this.
-Custard cream made with cornstarch tends to become powdery if not heated enough, so if it thickens, heat it while stirring for about 2 minutes to create a smooth texture.
・When squeezing custard cream, use a round nozzle.
・Add enough custard cream to the mini chiffon cake so that it overflows from the top.
・The chiffon cake uses rice flour instead of soft flour, and the custard cream also uses cornstarch, making it a gluten-free cupcake.
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