Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 25minutes
Souffle Pancakes | Party Kitchen --Recipe transcription of Party Kitchen
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- egg : 2 pieces
- milk : 20g
- Cake flour : 30g
- Baking powder : 2g
- Granulated sugar : 20g
- butter : Appropriate amount
- Powdered sugar : Appropriate amount
- Whipped cream (7 minutes) : Appropriate amount
- Mintha leaves : Appropriate amount
Time required
Divide the egg into yolk and egg white
Divide the egg into yolk and white and put them in a bowl, and put the white in the refrigerator.
Add milk, cake flour and baking powder to the egg yolk and mix.
Whisk until you have egg yolks.
Add milk, sifted cake flour and baking powder and mix with a whipper. -
Make meringue
Whisk the chilled egg whites with a hand mixer, add the granulated sugar in two portions, and whisk well.
Make into dough
Add 1/3 of the meringue to 2 and mix with a whipper. Add to the bowl containing the meringue and mix gently with a spatula so as not to crush the air bubbles.
Bake in a frying pan
Sprinkle butter in a frying pan and heat over low heat.
Place the dough in a circle with a diameter of about 10 cm.
Cover and bake for 5 minutes, then bake every 1 minute while watching the situation. -
Bake inside out
If you touch the top of the dough lightly with your fingers and it does not touch your fingers, slowly turn it over.
After baking for about 5 minutes, bake every 1 minute while watching the situation.
If it doesn't touch your fingers even if you touch the side of the dough, it will be baked. -
Place the pancakes on a bowl, sprinkle with powdered sugar and add whipped cream.
Decorate the mint leaves.
-Ideal for breakfast and snacks. You can make souffle pancakes with 6 ingredients.
・ Make a solid meringue. Bake slowly over low heat. These two are the biggest points.
・ When making a lot, it is recommended to use a hot plate.
和菓子お兄さん【タダヒロのお菓子作り】 Time required : 13minutes
Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 70minutes
Round kitchen Time required : 10minutes
Evening cafeteria Time required : 40minutes
A challenge to sprinkle! Time required : 30minutes
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