Tenu Kitchen Time required : 15minutes
炊き込みご飯(ツナとちくわの炊き込みご飯)|こっタソの自由気ままに【Kottaso Recipe】さんのレシピ書き起こし
お気に入りに追加- Number of Subscribers
- 80.5万人
- Number of View
- 2.1億回
- Number of Videos
- 972本
- Chikuwa : 1 pack (4-5 pieces)
- にんじん : 1本
- ツナ缶 : 2個
- (A) Soy sauce : 大さじ3
- (A)Mirin : 大さじ3
- (A) Alcohol : 大さじ2
- (A) Salt : 1/2 teaspoon
- (A) Agodashi (4 times concentrated) : 大さじ1/2
- (A) Sugar : 小さじ1/2
- (A) Dried kelp : ひとつかみ
- 米 : 3合
- 水 : 適量
Time required
prepare the food
Wash the rice and add water to absorb the water.
After adding (A), add water up to the 3 cup mark in the inner kiln. -
Add ingredients and cook
Slice the chikuwa into easy-to-eat size pieces.
Wash the carrots with water, cut off both ends, and cut into thin slices with a slicer.
Add the chopped chikuwa and carrots to step 1.
Add the sea chicken along with the oil.
Smooth the surface and cook rice in normal or takikomi rice mode. -
Once cooked, mix everything together.
Once it's served in a bowl, it's complete.
・Agodashi can be substituted with noodle soup.
・If you don't have dried kelp, this can be omitted.
・Once completed, it can be stored for about 2 weeks by dividing into small portions and freezing.
・When soaking rice, it is recommended to leave it for at least 30 minutes.
・Use carrots with the skin on. You can peel off the skin if you are concerned.
Les sens ciel Time required : 70minutes
Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 15minutes
Who horse [cooking expert] Time required : 15minutes
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