No waste! Makanai Dojo (MAKANAI DOUJYOU) Time required : 13minutes
Stir-fry (komatsuna, fried tofu, and pork with garlic) | Kenmasu Cooking's recipe transcription
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- Komatsuna : 1 bag
- 厚揚げ : 1袋
- 豚肉 : 80g
- ニンニク : 2欠分
- 油 : 大さじ1
- (A)Cooking sake : 大さじ1
- (A) Chinese soup stock : 小さじ1と少々
- (A) Soy sauce : 小さじ1
- (A) Black pepper : 適量
- 唐辛子の輪切り : 1つまみ
- ごま油 : 小さじ1
Time required
Prepare the ingredients
Peel the garlic and cut into thin slices.
Wipe off the oil from the deep-fried tofu with kitchen paper.
Cut the deep-fried tofu into bite-sized pieces.
Cut off the stems of the komatsuna and wash away any dirt.
Cut the komatsuna into 5cm wide pieces and separate them into stems and leaves. -
stir fry
Heat oil in a frying pan.
Add pork and garlic and stir-fry.
Add the fried tofu and komatsuna stems and stir-fry.
Add (A) and stir-fry.
Add the komatsuna leaves and stir-fry.
Add the chili pepper slices and stir-fry.
Sprinkle with sesame oil. -
Complete by placing 3 on a plate.
・In the video, the garlic buds are not removed, but if you are concerned about them, remove them.
・By adding pork and garlic at the same time, the pork will be cooked just right when the garlic smells.
・A perfect dish for saving money.
・ Adding tofu-age (deep-fried tofu) makes it more filling.
apron Time required : 20minutes
Hotel de Mikuni Time required : 20minutes
小倉知巳のイタリアンプロ養成講座 Time required : 100minutes
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