No waste! Makanai Dojo (MAKANAI DOUJYOU) Time required : 35minutes
あんこ(つぶあん)|ゆう スイーツ研究家さんのレシピ書き起こし
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- Red bean : 250g
- グラニュー糖 : 200〜250g
- 塩 : ひとつまみ
- 水 : 300g
Time required
remove the scum
Put the red beans in the pot.
Add water.
Add the same amount of cold water (not listed) as the water in the pot.
Heat the pot over high heat.
Once it boils to the center of the pot, add cold water (not listed).
Once it boils, add hot water (not listed) and simmer for 9 minutes.
Add cold water (not listed) and let cool.
Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to low and let cool for 3 to 5 minutes.
Add cold water (not listed) and let cool. -
heat up
Put 1 into the rice cooker.
Add hot water (not listed) until it covers the red beans by about 5 mm.
Heat the rice cooker in rice cooking mode.
Cool by exposing to water (not listed).
Add granulated sugar and salt.
Add enough water to cover (not listed). -
Put 2 into a pot and bring to a boil.
Stir with a wooden spoon until the water evaporates, being careful not to crush the beans.
Transfer to a bat.
Remove from heat and leave for half a day to complete.
・Anko recipe made in a rice cooker.
・I use a rice cooker with a capacity of 3 to 3.5 cups.
・If using a 5-cup rice cooker, double the amount.
・There is no need to add salt.
- Adding cold water (not listed in ingredients) when removing scum will improve the finish.
・After heating in step 2, you can add rice cake to make zenzai.
・During step 3, be careful not to burn it.
あさごはんチャンネル Time required : 8minutes
Registered dietitian: Ayako Sekiguchi's wellness kitchen Time required : 10minutes
Kuma's limit cafeteria Time required : 30minutes
Marina Takewaki Time required : 20minutes
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