apron Time required : 7minutes
ケーキ(ココアと卵のケーキ)|syun cookingさんのレシピ書き起こし
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- egg : Three
- 砂糖 : 50g
- ココア : 50g
Time required
make the dough
Separate one egg into the yolk and white, then put the egg white into a meringue maker and the yolk into a bowl.
Make meringue by adding half the sugar to a meringue maker.
Place meringue in a bowl.
Separate the remaining eggs into egg whites and egg yolks, and make meringue with the remaining sugar in the same way.
Mix the meringue with a whisk to set it.
Mix the egg yolks with a whisk and add a small amount of meringue.
Add the remaining meringue and mix with a rubber spatula.
Add the cocoa and mix until there are no lumps. -
heat up
Apply oil (not listed in ingredients) to the rice cooker.
Pour in 1 and drop once to remove air.
Place in the rice cooker and heat once using normal rice cooking.
Take it out and cool it down. -
Remove 2 onto a plate.
Cut to your desired size and you're done.
・Recipe for a cocoa-flavored cake made in a rice cooker.
-Do not use flour, butter, or milk.
-Easy to make with only 3 ingredients.
・Wipe off any moisture and oil on the meringue maker.
・I use a 4-cup rice cooker.
Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 10minutes
Ken Outdoor Cooking Time required : 60minutes
George George / Jojiro ch's person Time required : 20minutes
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