apron Time required : 5minutes
Stir-fried vegetables (stir-fried vegetables with gyoza skins) | Recipe transcription by Kenmasu Cooking
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- Pork belly : 120g
- 餃子の皮 : 適量
- 春キャベツ : 1/4個
- 玉ねぎ : 1/4個
- 人参 : 適量
- ニラ : 適量
- ニンニク : 一片
- 唐辛子(輪切り) : 適量
- サラダ油 : 大さじ1
- (A)酒 : 大さじ1
- (A)香味調味料 : 小さじ1
- (A)水 : 4 tbsp
- (A)醤油 : 小さじ1
- (A)ブラックペッパー : 適量
- ごま油 : 小さじ1
Time required
Prepare the ingredients
Cut the gyoza skins in half and loosen them.
Wash the cabbage and roughly chop it.
Thinly slice the core of the cabbage leaves.
Cut the pork belly into pieces about 5cm wide.
Slice the onion into slices about 5mm wide.
Cut the chives into 5cm pieces.
Slice the garlic. -
stir fry
Add salad oil to a frying pan and add the garlic and chilli pepper (sliced).
Add the pork belly, spreading it out with your hands, and stir fry.
Add onions and sauté.
Add cabbage and carrots and stir fry.
Add (A) and stir fry well.
Break the gyoza skins with your hands and add them, then mix well and stir fry.
Once the seasoning has mixed into the dumpling skins, add the chives and stir fry, mixing until combined.
Finish by drizzling sesame oil over the dish. -
Finish by placing 2 on a plate.
・This is a recipe I came up with to use up leftover gyoza skins.
-You can use whatever vegetables you have in the fridge.
- Water is added to the seasoning to make it easier for the flavor to penetrate the gyoza skin and to cook the gyoza skin.
- It is a good idea to adjust the amount of water depending on how cooked the gyoza skins are.
KAZUAKI EGUCHI / チョコレートのプロ:ショコラティエ Chocolate Time required : 45minutes
Who horse [cooking expert] Time required : 75minutes
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