HidaMari Cooking Time required : 70minutes
シャルロットケーキ(苺のシャルロットケーキ)| coris cookingさんのレシピ書き起こし
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- Egg yolk (for the batter) : 2 pieces
- 卵白 : 2個分
- グラニュー糖(生地用) : 50g
- 薄力粉 : 40g
- 粉糖 : 適量
- 牛乳 : 125g
- バニラオイル : 少々
- 卵黄(ババロア用) : 3個分
- グラニュー糖(ババロア用) : 42g
- Powdered gelatin : 4g
- water : 20g
- 生クリーム : 120g
- Berry Glaze : 75g
- いちご : 適量
Time required
Make the dough
Add the granulated sugar (for batter) to the whipped egg whites in three batches, beating each time, and finally mix at low speed for about 1 1/2 minutes.
Add the egg yolks (for the batter) and mix on low speed with a hand mixer.
Sift in the flour and mix with a rubber spatula, lifting it up from the bottom.
Place the batter into a piping bag, being careful not to crush any air bubbles.
Pipe the batter onto a baking sheet to fit the sides and a 15cm cake tin.
Sprinkle with powdered sugar twice.
Bake in a preheated oven at 190°C for 11 minutes.
Remove from baking sheet and let cool.
Cut the side pieces to fit the cake mold.
Place the circular dough on the bottom of the mold.
Cover with plastic wrap. -
Make Bavarian cream
Mix the gelatin powder and water together and leave for 10 minutes to soften.
Add granulated sugar (for Bavarian cream) to egg yolk (for Bavarian cream) and mix with a whisk.
Heat the milk and vanilla oil over low to medium heat while stirring with a rubber spatula, then turn off the heat.
Add about 1/4 of the boiling milk to the whipped egg yolks (for the Bavarian cream) and immediately mix with a whisk, then add the rest and mix with a whisk.
Strain the liquid back into the pot and heat over low-medium heat, stirring with a rubber spatula.
Turn off the heat, add the softened gelatin liquid, and mix with a rubber spatula until dissolved.
Place in a bowl and place over ice water (not included in the recipe), stirring with a rubber spatula while cooling to about 30°C.
Add the cream and mix with a whisk. -
Pour the bavarois into the batter.
Add the remaining batter and top with the remaining Bavarian cream.
Cover with plastic wrap and chill in the refrigerator for at least 3 to 4 hours. -
・Use medium-sized egg yolks and egg whites.
-Preheat the oven to 190 degrees.
-Sift the cake flour.
・Time required to cool in the refrigerator is not included in the total time.
-You can finish it off by decorating it with a ribbon if you like.
・Vanilla oil can be substituted with vanilla extract.
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