Qiong Cooking Time required : 40minutes
レアチーズケーキ(ブルーベリーレアチーズケーキ)|HidaMari Cookingさんのレシピ書き起こし
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- Cream cheese : 200g
- グラニュー糖(クリームチーズ用) : 35g
- (A)生クリーム : 140ml
- (A)グラニュー糖 : 10g
- お湯(レアチーズ生地用) : 30g
- 板ゼラチン(レアチーズ生地用) : 5g
- レモン汁 : 大さじ1
- フィンガービスケット : 1袋
- (B)お湯 : 50g
- (B)グラニュー糖 : 20g
- (B)レモン汁 : 小さじ1
- (C)ブルーベリー : 80g
- (C)グラニュー糖 : 30g
- (C)レモン汁 : 5g(小さじ1)
- (C)無糖ヨーグルト : 80g
- 板ゼラチン(ブルーベリーグラサージュ用) : 3g
- (D)生クリーム : 60ml
- (D)グラニュー糖 : 5g
- (D)ブルーベリーグラサージュ : 大さじ1
- ブルーベリー : 適量
- ローズマリー : 適量
Time required
Make the Rare Cheese Dough
Put the cream cheese in a bowl and knead with a rubber spatula, then add the granulated sugar (for the cream cheese) and mix.
Soak the gelatin sheets (rare cheese dough) in ice water (not included in the recipe) to soften.
Place another bowl in ice water (not included in the recipe), add (A) and whip with a hand mixer.
Add cream cheese to the whipped (A) and mix with a rubber spatula.
Squeeze the water out of the softened gelatin sheet (for the cheesecake dough) and dissolve it in hot water (for the cheesecake dough).
Mix with the rare cheese dough.
Squeeze the lemon juice and add and mix.
Place a baking sheet in the mold, pour in the cheesecake mixture and smooth the surface. -
Put (B) in a bowl to make syrup.
Dip finger biscuits into syrup.
Arrange the finger biscuits on the surface of step 1, cover with plastic wrap and chill in the freezer for at least 5 hours until firm. -
Make the blueberry glaze
Put (C) into a blender and grind.
Transfer to a pot and heat until it reaches 60°C.
Squeeze out the water from the softened gelatin (for the blueberry glaze) and add it, stirring to dissolve.
Strain through a fine mesh strainer. -
Remove the cheesecake dough from the mold and top with blueberry glaze.
Thaw in the refrigerator for about 3 hours. -
・A recipe for blueberry cheesecake that can be made without an oven.
If using frozen blueberries, thaw them before using.
・Soak the gelatin sheets in ice water (not included in the recipe) to soften them.
・An 18cm x 8cm mold is used.
・Cooling and thawing time are not included in the required time.
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