Kukipapa cooking class Time required : 20minutes
Ice cream (tofu ice cream) | Transcript of Peaceful Cuisine's recipe
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- Cashew nuts : 100g
- マカダミアナッツオイル : 100g
- 木綿豆腐 : 400g
- ココナッツミルク : 200g
- Brown rice candy : 100g
- メープルシロップ : 100g
- バニラビーンズ : 1本
Time required
Stir the material
Place all ingredients in a blender and stir.
Put 1 in an ice cream maker and let it harden for about 20 minutes.
Put it in a container and chill it in the freezer for 3 to 6 hours to complete.
・ Macadamia nut oil can be replaced with salad oil.
・ Use oil that does not have a strong scent.
・ Coconut milk can be replaced with soy milk, rice milk, or almond milk.
・ Brown rice candy and maple syrup can be replaced with your favorite sweetener.
・ When stirring the vanilla beans together with the pods, it is recommended to chop them into small pieces.
・ Vanilla beans can be replaced with vanilla extract.
・ Add almond extract to make it taste like almond tofu.
Cooking Time required : 5minutes
小倉知巳のイタリアンプロ養成講座 Time required : 15minutes
Cooking classes that are in tune with the lifestyles of chef Sakura Time required : 40minutes
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