Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 25minutes
Cacio Pepe|Chef Ropia Chef's Sekai's Recipe Transcription
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- Black pepper (whole) : moderate amount
- 粉チーズ : moderate amount
- パスタ : 1人前
Time required
dry roast black pepper
Add black pepper to a frying pan and dry roast.
boil hot water.
Grind the dry roasted black pepper and put it in the frying pan. -
prepare the cheese
Put grated cheese in a bowl, add boiling water and mix.
When the water boils, cook the pasta. -
Heat the frying pan containing the black pepper from step 1, add a little more of the boiling water, and add the boiled pasta.
When the pasta is cooked, turn off the heat, add the cheese and mix quickly to complete.
・In the video, an iron pan is used, but you can also use a Teflon pan or an aluminum pan.
・When the surface of the frying pan is warm, reduce the heat and dry roast the black pepper.
・I recommend using Pecorino Romano cheese, but Grana Padano is used in the video.
Use strong cheeses such as Parmigiano Reggiano.
・Boil the pasta 2 minutes less than the indicated time.
・The salt content of the pasta is 1%.
・In order to finish the pasta while boiling it in a frying pan, add a little extra boiling water in step 3.
-Turn off the heat before adding the cheese.
・It is good to finish with grated cheese and pepper.
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