Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 25minutes
Croissant cookie | bonobos25's recipe transcription
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- Cake flour : 60g
- Strong powder : 60g
- sugar : 30g
- salt : 2 knobs
- butter : 60g
- Cold water : 15ml
- Chocolate for decoration : Appropriate amount
Time required
Make the dough
Sift the cake flour, cake flour, sugar and salt. Add butter, knead well, add water on the way, and knead well until it is totally cohesive.
Cool the dough
Wrap the dough in a wrap and chill in the refrigerator for about 20 minutes.
Stretch the dough
Sprinkle strong flour on a cutting board, place the dough, and use a cotton swab to stretch it to a size of 18 cm x 25 cm.
Cut into 9cmx5cm and then cut in half diagonally. -
Roll the dough
Make a notch in the middle of the shortest bottom, fold it into triangles at both ends, and then roll it toward the apex.
Bake the dough
Place a parchment paper on the top plate, line up the dough, heat it in an oven heated to 170 ° C for about 25 minutes, decorate it with a chocolate pen, and you're done.
・ The ingredients for this time are 20 cookies.
・ By rolling it, a cavity is created inside, and the texture is very good.
・ When stretching the dough, stretch it as a whole, fold it in three equal parts, and repeat stretching.
-There is also a cutting board with memory, so it is recommended to use it because it is convenient for cutting.
-For decoration, you can add melted chocolate or draw a pattern with a chocolate pen for a cute finish.
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