George George / Jojiro ch's person Time required : 45minutes
Shrimp soba|Cooking researcher Ryuji's buzz recipe's recipe transcription
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- Sapporo Ichiban Salt Ramen Noodles : 1袋
- Attached powder soup : 1袋
- Supplied chopped sesame seeds : 1袋
- 長ネギ : 1/2本(50g)
- 冷凍海老シュウマイ : 80g
- 水 : 480cc
- 酒 : 大さじ1
- (A)片栗粉 : 小さじ2
- (A)水 : 小さじ4
- ラー油 : 適量
Time required
prepare the ingredients
Heat the frozen shrimp shumai in the microwave as directed.
Cut the long onion diagonally. -
Prepare a pot and fill it with water.
After adding the green onion and sake, turn on the heat and bring the water to a boil.
When the water boils, tear off the frozen shrimp dumplings and add them. -
Add only Sapporo Ichiban Shio Ramen noodles to 2.
While the noodles are boiling, make the water-soluble potato starch in (A).
After a minute and a half to two minutes, when the noodles have loosened, turn off the heat and add the attached powdered soup to dissolve.
Add the water-soluble potato starch, mix well, then turn the heat back on and simmer until boiling. -
Arrange on a plate, sprinkle with the included chopped sesame seeds, and chili oil to complete.
・Using the green part of the spring onion enhances the aroma.
・Reduce the amount of water in the pot to 480cc to give it a strong flavor.
・Adding sake will increase the sense of luxury.
・By tearing off the frozen shrimp shumai and putting it in, the flavor and aroma permeate the soup.
・Add water-soluble katakuriko, mix well, and heat again to thicken just right.
・When serving on a plate, put the noodles first and the soup last.
・If you don't like the spiciness of chili oil, use sesame oil instead.
・If you want to change the taste, add vinegar.
奥薗壽子の日めくりレシピ【家庭料理研究家公式チャンネル】 Time required : 15minutes
Evening cafeteria Time required : 30minutes
Tenu Kitchen Time required : 10minutes
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