奥薗壽子の日めくりレシピ【家庭料理研究家公式チャンネル】 Time required : 10minutes
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- (A)玉ねぎ : 1/2個
- (A)セロリ : 1本
- (A)マッシュルーム : 1パック(5~6個)
- (B)合い挽き肉 : 600g
- (B)トマトジュース : 720ml
- (B)酒 : 大さじ2
- (B)ローリエ : 2~3枚
- (B)塩(ミートソース用) : 小さじ1
- (C)薄力粉 : 80g
- (C)バター : 50g
- (C)牛乳 : 1000ml
- 塩(ホワイトソース用) : 小さじ1
- ラザニア用パスタ : 適量
- ピザ用チーズ : 1袋(450g)
Time required
Finely chop (A) and put in a pot.
Put (B) in a pot and simmer over medium heat for about 90 minutes.
Take out the bay leaf. -
Put (C) in another pot and mix well with a whisk over medium heat.
When the butter melts and thickens, add salt (for the white sauce).
Bring to a boil while stirring until it reaches a manageable consistency. -
Bake in a heat-resistant dish
Place 1 on the bottom of the heat-resistant plate.
On top of that, layer ① pasta for lasagna → ② cheese for pizza → ③ 1 → ④ 2 (→ go back to ①) in order.
On the top, put pasta → 2 → cheese for pizza in that order.
Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes.
It's done when the surface is browned.
・Lasagna pasta is used without boiling in the video.
・While measuring the soft flour for the white sauce accurately, there may be a slight error in the butter.
・If you like, you can add white pepper to the white sauce.
・In the video, a 20 cm square cake mold is used for the heat-resistant dish, but a large gratin dish will do as well. Make sure it is large enough to hold 2-3 slices of lasagna pasta.
・When spreading the sauce on the mold, it is good to spread the sauce thinly so that it does not mix with other ingredients.
・Spread lasagna pasta alternately vertically and horizontally.
・Use a little more white sauce at the end to cover the pasta, and a little more pizza cheese on top.
・Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
・If you have time, let it cool before cutting.
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