Hotel de Mikuni Time required : 20minutes
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- pasta : 100g
- キャベツ : 80g
- 鶏もも肉 : 100g
- にんにく : 1片
- 塩コショウ : 少々
- オリーブオイル(炒め用) : 大さじ1
- (A)水 : 320ml
- (A)酒 : 大さじ1と1/2
- (A)鶏がらスープの素 : 小さじ1と1/3
- (A)塩 : 小さじ1/4
- レモン汁 : 小さじ1
- 黒コショウ : 適量
- オリーブオイル(仕上げ用) : 適量
Time required
prepare the material
Slice the chicken thighs.
Roughly chop the cabbage.
Garlic is peeled.
Salt and pepper the chicken thighs. -
Add olive oil (for frying) to a frying pan and heat over medium heat.
Add chicken thighs and fry until browned.
Add cabbage and fry until browned.
Grate the garlic, add it and sauté a little.
Add (A) and bring to a boil.
Add the pasta and boil for 4 minutes, stirring with chopsticks.
After tasting and confirming the hardness of the pasta, add lemon juice and black pepper, mix a little and turn off the heat.
Place in a bowl and sprinkle with olive oil (for finishing) to complete.
・I use 1.4mm pasta.
・If you cut the chicken thigh into a wide cross section, it will be easier to remove when eating with the pasta.
・Grating garlic makes it easier to get entangled in pasta.
・When making double the amount, use 500-550ml of water and double the amount of other ingredients.
・Folding the pasta in half makes it easier to eat with chopsticks.
・When making more than 4 people, it is easier to cook the pasta in a separate pot.
・Because the sourness of the lemon juice tends to disappear, it is better to add it at the end.
Low-carb restaurant / masa Time required : 20minutes
Tenu Kitchen Time required : 15minutes
ホッとケーキさん。 Time required : 75minutes
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