Who horse [cooking expert] Time required : 7minutes
パスタ(きのこと鮭のパスタ)|武島たけしの極み飯 / Kiwami-Meshiさんのレシピ書き起こし
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- 118本
- autumn salmon : 1 slice
- きのこ3種類 : 100g
- パスタ : 80~100g
- パセリ : 適量
- ニンニク : 2~3個
- 唐辛子 : 1個
- オリーブオイル : 適量
- バター : 5g
- 魚醤 : 小さじ1/2~1
- 黒胡椒 : 適量
- water (for boiling) : 適量
- Sudachi (juice) : 適量
- 水(ソース用) : 50cc
Time required
prepare the material
Peel off the skin of the raw salmon.
Sprinkle with salt and let it sit for a while.
Peel the garlic cloves, remove the buds and crush with a knife.
Chop the parsley.
Crack the mushrooms by hand.
Wipe off the water from the raw salmon and cut it into bite-sized pieces. -
make the sauce
Put water (for boiling) and salt (not listed) in a pot and bring to a boil.
Add garlic and olive oil to a frying pan and heat.
When bubbles form from the garlic, reduce the heat to low.
When you can smell the garlic, add the hawk's claws.
Add mushrooms and mix.
Flip it over several times to color it.
Add raw salmon and mix. -
boil the pasta
Add the pasta to the boiling pot and bring to a boil.
finish the sauce
Add the boiling water from 3 to 2.
Add water (for the sauce) and mix.
Add butter and fish sauce and mix.
Add parsley and turn off the heat. -
Add drained 3 to 4.
Add olive oil and black pepper and mix quickly.
Serve on a plate and finish with sudachi (fruit juice).
・If you grill the removed salmon skin, it will be a snack.
・Since raw salmon has an odor, sprinkle salt before using to remove the odor.
・Use fresh parsley. The aroma is more suitable for pasta than dried parsley.
・The salt concentration when boiling pasta is 1 to 1.5%.
・When adding pasta water to the sauce, add it little by little.
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