No waste! Makanai Dojo (MAKANAI DOUJYOU) Time required : 10minutes
パスタ(トマトパスタ)|coris cookingさんのレシピ書き起こしさんのレシピ書き起こし
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- トマト : 1玉
- 塩 : ひとつまみ
- パスタ : 80g~100g
- オリーブオイル : 大さじ2~3
Time required
Cut tomatoes.
Heat the olive oil over medium heat and sauté the tomatoes for 30 seconds.
Add salt and fry again. -
Finish and serve
Drain off the water and stir-fry for 2-3 minutes. When the tomatoes are cooked and the water has evaporated, add the boiled pasta and mix.
Add some pasta water and heat for another 30-50 seconds.
Arrange on a plate and complete.
・Use 1 large tomato and 1 and 1/2 medium tomatoes.
・Boil the pasta until firm and save the cooking liquid.
・Rinse the tomatoes lightly in a bowl with water.
・When cutting a tomato, remove the stem and cut it into about 1 cm square.
・If a pinch of salt isn't enough, you can add more.
・Fry while evaporating the water from the tomatoes.
・After serving, you can sprinkle olive oil as you like.
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