syun cooking Time required : 10minutes
Onigirizu (beef onigirizu) | Easy recipe at home from culinary expert Kari / Yukari's Kitchen's recipe transcription
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- 玉ねぎ : 1/4個
- 牛肉の切り落とし : 100g
- (A)醤油 : 大さじ2
- (A)みりん : 大さじ1と1/2
- (A)酒 : 大さじ2
- (A)砂糖 : 大さじ1と1/2
- (A) dashi stock : 1/4 teaspoon
- (A)おろし生姜 : 小さじ1/4
- サラダ油 : 適量
- 卵 : 2個
- 焼きのり : 2枚
- ご飯 : 2膳分
- レタス : 適量
Time required
make preparations
Cut the onion into slightly thick pieces along the grain.
Sprinkle sugar (not listed) on beef and rub. -
stir fry
Add (A) to a frying pan and mix over heat.
Add onions from step 1 and heat over medium heat for 3 and a half minutes.
Add the beef from step 1 and stir-fry while loosening it with chopsticks to evaporate the moisture.
Transfer the beef to a vat and cover with plastic wrap to remove heat. -
make fried eggs
Pour salad oil into a frying pan and heat it for 30 seconds.
Drop the egg into the pan from a low position and cook over low heat for 1 minute and 40 seconds.
turn over.
Gently press the top with a spatula so as not to crush the yolk and bake for 1 minute and 40 seconds.
Repeat the process to make a total of 2 fried eggs.
transfer to bat. -
Place the ingredients on top
Lay plastic wrap on the cutting board.
Place the grilled seaweed on plastic wrap, top with half of the rice, and spread it out into a diamond shape.
Place lettuce, 2, 3, and remaining rice on top. -
wrap the ingredients
Hold the corners of the nori diagonally and fold toward the center.
Wrap everything tightly in plastic wrap.
Repeat steps 4 and 5 to make the rest of the ingredients in the same way.
Leave it for 10 minutes and let it absorb. -
Complete by cutting the seaweed in half with the seam facing down and keeping the plastic wrap on.
・We use sake that does not contain salt.
・Mixing sugar into beef gives it a soft texture.
・Use a pinch or two of sugar when rubbing the beef.
・Be careful not to overheat the beef in step 2, as it will become tough.
・Make sure the egg yolk is soft when you transfer it to the tray.
・Place the nori on the cutting board so that the shiny side is on the outside and the dull side is on the inside.
・For step 4, the amount of rice used is 50-80g (half the amount for one serving).
・During step 6, wetting the knife will make it easier to cut.
cook kafemaru Time required : 8minutes
Registered dietitian: Ayako Sekiguchi's wellness kitchen Time required : 30minutes
No waste! Makanai Dojo (MAKANAI DOUJYOU) Time required : 180minutes
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