coris cooking Time required : 10minutes
Boiled dish (pork belly radish) | Recipe transcription by Meal Challenge!
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- Japanese white radish : 1/3 bottle
- 豚肉 : 200g
- しょうが : 適量
- 水 : 500㏄
- (A) Dashi pack : 1 pack
- (A) Alcohol : 大さじ2
- (A)Mirin : 大さじ2
- (A) Soy sauce : 大さじ2
- ほうれん草 : 適量
Time required
cut the ingredients
Cut the radish, pork, and ginger.
Heat a deep frying pan and fry the pork on both sides.
When browned, add ginger and stir.
Add the daikon radish and stir to coat lightly with the oil.
Add water, cover and simmer for 15 minutes.
Add (A), cover and simmer again for about 15 minutes.
Turn off the heat and let it cool before serving on a plate.
・For pork, use thickly sliced pork belly.
・Peel the daikon radish from step 1 and cut it into thin half-moons.
・Step 1 Cut the pork into desired size pieces.
・Slice the ginger from step 1 into 2 to 3 pieces.
・In step 2, the pork will release oil, so do not use vegetable oil. Browning the pork will make it more fragrant and more delicious.
・You can add more water in step 2 if there isn't enough water. Add until the radish is submerged.
・In step 2, lye will come out during simmering, so remove it.
・Adjust sugar according to taste.
奥薗壽子の日めくりレシピ【家庭料理研究家公式チャンネル】 Time required : 15minutes
Evening cafeteria Time required : 30minutes
Round kitchen Time required : 55minutes
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