Kuma's limit cafeteria Time required : 10minutes
パスタ(ナポリタン)|George ジョージさんのレシピ書き起こし
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- 616本
- パスタ(1.9mm) : 80g
- ウインナー : 1本
- 玉ねぎ : 1/4個
- ピーマン : 1個
- マッシュルーム : 1個
- にんにく : 1片
- (A) Soy sauce : 5ml
- (A)Mirin : 10ml
- ケチャップ : 80g
- (B) Mayonnaise : 10g
- (B) Butter : 10g
- 黒胡椒 : 適量
Time required
make preparations
・Boil the pasta.
・Cut the onion into wedges and slice the mushrooms slightly thickly.
・Slice the peppers into rounds, cutting the fibers.
・Cut the sausages diagonally to increase the surface area. -
fry the ingredients
Add all the ingredients to a heated frying pan with olive oil and fry until browned, being careful not to touch them too much.
When the edges of the ingredients start to burn, mix everything together and add (A), half of the ketchup, and chopped garlic. -
Once the water in the seasoning has evaporated, add the boiled pasta and a small amount of the boiling water.
Add the remaining half of ketchup and (B) and mix everything together while melting the butter.
Place in a bowl and sprinkle with black pepper.
- Adjust the salt concentration of the pasta boiling water to about 1%.
・Use the same amount of ketchup as the pasta. (Example: 80g pasta = 80g ketchup)
- Scrape off any burnt bits from the bottom of the pot and mix the pasta with the sauce to intensify the flavor.
・By dividing the ketchup into two portions, you can take advantage of both the richness and freshness of the boiled ketchup.
syun cooking Time required : 30minutes
Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 30minutes
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