HidaMari Cooking Time required : 50minutes
フォカッチャ|Pâtissier Yuki Uchida【パティシエゆうきのお菓子教室】さんのレシピ書き起こし
お気に入りに追加- Number of Subscribers
- 5.4万人
- Number of View
- 621.3万回
- Number of Videos
- 330本
- 砂糖 : 適量
- 塩 : 適量
- インスタントドライイースト : 適量
- 水 : 適量
- オリーブオイル(生地用) : 適量
- 強力粉 : 適量
- 油 : 適量
- オリーブオイル(焼く用) : 適量
- 岩塩 : 適量
- ローズマリー : 適量
- オリーブ : 適量
Time required
強力粉を加えゴムベラで混ぜる。 -
Cover the bowl containing the dough from step 1 with plastic wrap and let it rise.
Use a scraper to turn the dough from the bottom once.
Cover the bowl again with plastic wrap and let rise.
Use a scraper to turn the dough from the bottom once.
Let it ferment again. -
bake the dough
Grease the mold with oil.
Attach parchment paper to the mold.
Pour the batter from step 2 into the mold.
Wet your hands with water (not listed) and spread out the dough.
Cover the mold with a cloth and let it ferment.
Pour olive oil (for baking) over the dough.
Poke holes in the dough with your fingers and soak in the olive oil (for baking).
Sprinkle rock salt, rosemary, and olives on top of the dough.
Bake in the oven at 230℃ for 15 minutes, then bake in the oven at 190℃ for another 20 minutes.
・Once the dough has risen to about 1.5 times its size, mix it with a scraper.
・The required time does not include fermentation time.
・When making the dough, mix it to incorporate the water.
・Instead of dusting with flour, moisten your hands with water and gently punch the dough as you spread it into the mold.
Who horse [cooking expert] Time required : 7minutes
A challenge to sprinkle! Time required : 20minutes
Cooking Time required : 5minutes
cook kafemaru Time required : 10minutes
cook kafemaru Time required : 50minutes
cook kafemaru Time required : 45minutes
あさごはんチャンネル Time required : 15minutes
Cooking Time required : 15minutes
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