No waste! Makanai Dojo (MAKANAI DOUJYOU) Time required : 45minutes
Pasta (Japanese-style mushroom pasta) | Transcript of recipe by Dareuma [culinary expert]
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- Shimeji mushrooms : 1 bag
- 舞茸 : 1株
- 椎茸 : 3個
- ベーコン : 60g
- ニンニク : 1片
- オリーブオイル : 大さじ1
- 有塩バター : 10g
- 塩 : ひとつまみ
- 料理酒 : 大さじ2
- 水 : 400ml
- 塩昆布 : 5g
- パスタ : 100g
- めんつゆ : 大さじ1/2
Time required
Prepare the ingredients
Cut the garlic in half, remove the buds and finely chop.
Cut the bacon into 1cm wide strips.
Cut off the stems from the shiitake mushrooms and break them into appropriate size pieces by hand.
Cut off the stone ends of the shimeji mushrooms and break them into appropriate size pieces by hand.
Cut off the hard part at the base of the maitake mushroom and break it into pieces of appropriate size with your hands. -
fry the ingredients
Add olive oil and salted butter to a frying pan.
Add bacon and garlic.
Add shiitake mushrooms, shimeji mushrooms, and maitake mushrooms.
Add salt and fry over medium heat until the mushrooms are browned.
Add the cooking wine and stir-fry, scraping up any burnt bits from the bottom of the frying pan with a rubber spatula. -
Add water and salted kelp and bring to a boil.
Add the pasta and simmer until the water has reduced and the pasta is tender.
Turn off the heat, add the mentsuyu and mix. -
・Be sure to use three types of mushrooms.
・We use 2x concentrated mentsuyu.
・Thick-sliced bacon is used.
・Use 1.6mm to 1.8mm pasta.
・If you wash mushrooms, the delicious parts and flavor will be washed away with water, so be sure to wipe off any dirt with damp kitchen paper.
・By removing the moisture from the mushrooms and browning the surface, the delicious parts of the mushrooms can be concentrated.
・In step 2, press the mushrooms onto the frying pan with a rubber spatula, and after a certain amount of time, flip them over and over to fry.
・In step 3, simmer while stirring the ingredients occasionally.
・By boiling the pasta with the sauce in one frying pan, you can absorb the delicious parts and aroma deep into the pasta.
・After simmering, check the hardness of the pasta, and if there are any pasta cores left, add 50ml of water (not listed) and boil it down.
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