Cooking Time required : 20minutes
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- Burdock : One
- Chinese cabbage : 250g
- Shimeji mushrooms : 100g
- chicken mince : 200g
- salt : 1/4 teaspoon
- potato starch : 1 tablespoon
- 溶き卵 : 1/2個分
- 水 : 500ml
- だしの素 : 小さじ2
- 酒 : 大さじ2
- みりん : 大さじ2
- 味噌 : 大さじ2
Time required
prepare the food
Wash the burdock root, cut it into pieces, and soak it in water for 10 minutes to remove the scum.
Cut the Chinese cabbage into bite-sized pieces.
Cut off the stone ends of the shimeji mushrooms and split them by hand. -
make chicken meatballs
Add minced chicken, salt, potato starch, and beaten egg to a bowl and mix until it becomes sticky.
Chop half of the burdock root and mix it with the minced chicken. -
Add water, dashi base, sake, mirin, and miso to a clay pot and mix.
Add the remaining burdock root and bring to a boil over medium-high heat.
When it comes to a boil, turn the heat to low to medium-low and scoop out 2 with a spoon and add it in a ball.
Add Chinese cabbage and shimeji mushrooms, cover and simmer for 6 minutes.
Mix everything lightly and it's done.
・It is delicious even if you add spiciness with chili pepper.
・Since we use plenty of burdock in both the meatballs and the ingredients, this is a dish where you can enjoy the aroma and flavor of burdock.
・Adding eggs and potato starch to the meatballs gives them a soft texture.
・Miso and mirin make a rich hot pot soup that goes well with burdock.
・To finish, you can add rice to make porridge, or add udon to enjoy as stewed udon.
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