Freelance chef's room Time required : 10minutes
スープ(白菜のクリームスープ)|料理研究家ゆかりのおうちで簡単レシピ / Yukari's Kitchenさんのレシピ書き起こし
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- 白菜 : 300g
- マカロニ : 50g
- ベーコン : 3枚
- 牛乳 : 300ml
- 水 : 300ml
- 鶏ガラスープの素 : 小さじ2
- 塩 : 小さじ1/2
- 薄力粉 : 大さじ1
- 味噌 : 小さじ1
- おろしニンニク : 小さじ1/2
- オリーブオイル : 小さじ3
Time required
boil macaroni
Pour water (not listed) into a pot and bring to a boil.
Add salt and macaroni.
Once boiled, drain, drizzle with olive oil and set aside. -
Prepare the ingredients.
Cut off the core and place in a 3cm-wide colander and wash.
Drain and thoroughly wipe off water with kitchen paper.
Cut the bacon into 1cm wide pieces. -
stir fry and simmer
Put olive oil in a frying pan and heat it.
Fry the bacon over medium heat.
Put aside the bacon and add the grated garlic to the empty space and fry.
Add the Chinese cabbage and stir-fry over medium heat for about 3 minutes, stirring often.
Turn off the heat, sift in the flour and mix well.
Turn on the heat and fry for 30 seconds.
Add 1/3 of water and mix well.
When it boils, add 1/3 of the water.
Repeat this once again and add the chicken stock.
Cover and simmer on low heat for 5 minutes. -
Open the lid, add milk and add Step 1.
Heat over medium heat while stirring until just before boiling.
Turn off the heat, add the miso and mix.
Arrange in a bowl and sprinkle with black pepper (not listed).
・Ingredients are enough for 3 to 4 people.
- Boil the macaroni for 1 minute less than the time written on the package.
・Be sure to turn off the heat and sift in the soft flour.
・Add water in several portions.
・If you want the Chinese cabbage to be soft, simmer for 10 minutes.
・Do not let it boil after adding milk.
- Dissolve the miso while turning off the heat.
・In the video, miso with dashi soup is used.
Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 20minutes
coris cooking Time required : 45minutes
Chef Shitara's cooking dojo Time required : 40minutes
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