syun cooking Time required : 20minutes
ローストチキン(鶏もも肉のローストチキン)|Koh Kentetsu Kitchen【料理研究家コウケンテツ公式チャンネル】 さんのレシピ書き起こし
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- Chicken thigh (300g) : 2枚
- (A)塩 : 小さじ1
- (A)にんにくすりおろし : 小さじ1
- (A)オリーブオイル : 小さじ1
- ローズマリー : 適量
- 酒 : 大さじ1
- オリーブオイル : 大さじ1/2
- (B)レモン汁 : 大さじ2
- (B)はちみつ : 大さじ2
- お好みのハーブ : 適宜
- 黒胡椒 : 少々
Time required
do preliminary processing
Turn the chicken thighs skin side up and prick the thick parts in several places with the tip of a knife.
Turn it over and use a knife to make incisions in the thick or streaky parts. -
Rub (A) into both sides with your hands until evenly mixed, then cover the surface with plastic wrap and leave for 10 minutes.
Insert the rosemary into the notch you made in step 1. -
Spread it out, skin side down, on a frying pan and turn on the heat. Fry over medium heat for 3 to 4 minutes, along the back of the frying pan, until the skin is lightly browned.
Add the sake, cover, and simmer over low heat for 4 to 5 minutes. -
Remove the chicken thighs and their juices into a vat.
Wipe the frying pan with kitchen paper, add olive oil, heat over medium heat, and fry again, skin side down. Wipe off excess oil as appropriate.
Once it's a deep brown, flip it over and cook for about 30 seconds.
Place on a serving plate, skin side up. -
Heat the frying pan without wiping it, add the meat juices taken out in step 3 and (B), and simmer gently until it thickens.
Pour onto a serving plate and sprinkle with your favorite herbs and black pepper.
- Roast chicken recipe that is easy and delicious to make using chicken thighs and a frying pan.
-Rosemary can be substituted with your favorite herb such as thyme. If you don't like it, you can take it out halfway or leave it out.
・By inserting the knife into the thick part of the meat and grilling it along the back of the frying pan, the meat will be cooked evenly and evenly.
・In step 2, it is a good idea to spread the salt into the gaps in the meat where you made the cuts.
- By putting herbs in the gaps between the meat, the flavor of the herbs will spread throughout the meat.
・If you are using a cast iron frying pan, turn it on before adding the chicken thighs in step 3.
・By slowly grilling the skin and then grilling the meat a little, the meat becomes moist and tender.
・By frying the skin again in clean oil in step 4, the skin becomes fragrant and brown, and the texture becomes crispy.
・Do not pour the sauce over the top so that the texture of the skin is not lost. You can also add mustard.
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