Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 5minutes
Okonomiyaki (silk tofu okonomiyaki) | Easy recipe by culinary expert Yukari at home / Recipe transcription by Yukari's Kitchen
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- Silken tofu : 150g
- キャベツ : 50g
- 卵 : 1個
- 小ネギ : 1本
- 紅生姜 : 10g
- だしの素 : 小さじ1/2
- お好みソース : 適量
- mayonnaise : 適量
- かつおぶし : 適量
- 青のり : 適量
Time required
Cut the ingredients
Shred the cabbage.
Cut off the roots of the spring onions and chop them into small pieces.
Finely chop the pickled ginger. -
Make the dough
Place silken tofu in a bowl.
Mash it using a whisk or similar.
Mix well until smooth.
Crack the eggs into the pot, add the stock powder and mix well.
Add 1 and mix well. -
Place 2 in a heat-resistant container.
Make an opening for air to enter and exit, lightly cover with plastic wrap, and microwave at 600W for 5 minutes. -
3. Add your favorite sauce and mayonnaise.
Sprinkle some green laver on top and sprinkle some bonito flakes on top to finish.
・The ingredients listed are for one person.
・This is a healthy okonomiyaki that does not use flour or oil.
・Make sure to use silken tofu.
・There is no need to drain silken tofu.
-You can also add tempura flakes or small shrimp to taste.
・Adding cheese gives it a Western flavor and makes it delicious.
- If it seems undercooked, heat it for 30 seconds to 1 minute and adjust the doneness.
- If you are using a 500W microwave, increase the heating time by 10 to 20 seconds. If you are using a 700W microwave, decrease the heating time by 10 to 20 seconds.
Cooking Time required : 20minutes
syun cooking Time required : 30minutes
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