Kuma's limit cafeteria Time required : 45minutes
ショートケーキ(いちごのショートケーキ)|syun cookingさんのレシピ書き起こし
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- pancake mix : 150g
- 卵 : 2個
- Whipped cream (for the dough) : One
- いちご : 適量
- ホイップクリーム(デコレーション用) : 2本
Time required
make the dough
Crack the eggs into a bowl and mix with a whisk.
Add whipped cream (for the dough) and mix.
Add the pancake mix and mix with a rubber spatula until there are no lumps. -
heat up
Apply oil (not listed) to the inner pot of the rice cooker.
Add 1 and adjust.
Heat the rice in a rice cooker as usual.
Insert a bamboo skewer to check that the dough is not sticking to the rice, then remove the inner pot of the rice cooker and let it heat up. -
Turn the inner pot of the rice cooker over and remove the dough.
Cut the dough in half.
Slice the strawberries thinly and remove the stems for topping.
Spread whipped cream (for decoration) on the dough.
Top with thinly sliced strawberries.
Spread whipped cream (for decoration).
Cover with dough and spread with whipped cream (for decoration).
Spread whipped cream (for decoration) on the sides.
Transfer to a plate and top with the hulled strawberries.
Finish by squeezing whipped cream (for decoration).
- Strawberry shortcake recipe that can be easily made with 4 ingredients.
・Do not use butter or milk.
・M size eggs are used.
・You can substitute your favorite fruit for strawberries.
・I use a 4-cup rice cooker.
apron Time required : 8minutes
Hotel de Mikuni Time required : 30minutes
奥薗壽子の日めくりレシピ【家庭料理研究家公式チャンネル】 Time required : 30minutes
Kukipapa cooking class Time required : 10minutes
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