Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 20minutes
チョコレートブラウニー(クルミのチョコレートブラウニー)|Oyatsu Lab. [おやつラボ]さんのレシピ書き起こし
お気に入りに追加- Number of Subscribers
- 13.1万人
- Number of View
- 1,792.2万回
- Number of Videos
- 436本
- クルミ : 100g
- 無塩バター : 80g
- ブラックチョコレート : 150g
- 卵 : 2個
- ホットケーキミックス : 100g
- ホワイトチョコレート : 適量
- ストロベリーチョコレート : 適量
Time required
make the dough
Spread the walnuts on a cookie sheet so that they do not overlap and bake in a 170 degree oven for 8 minutes until cool.
Add the butter to a bowl, break the black chocolate into small pieces, and heat in a 600W microwave for 1 minute and mix.
Heat and mix again in the same way, then crack the eggs into another bowl, add to the bowl containing the chocolate, and mix thoroughly.
Add the pancake mix and mix until there are no lumps, then add the roasted walnuts and mix. -
取り出したら型から出して粗熱を取っておく。 -
Trim the ends, adjust the shape, and cut into easy-to-eat shapes.
Melt the white chocolate in the microwave, mix evenly, and transfer to a cocotte dish.
Dip half of the brownies into the melted chocolate and place on a cookie sheet.
Melt the strawberry chocolate in the microwave, put it in a piping bag, and pour it over the remaining brownies to decorate.
Once the chocolate has hardened, arrange them on a plate and it's done.
・Preheat the oven to 170 degrees in advance.
・In the video, an 18cm square cake pan is used.
・After roasting the walnuts, preheat the oven to 180 degrees again.
- In the video, the brownie is cut into 12 equal pieces.
・Strawberries and white chocolate are used for decoration, but you can use whatever you like.
Cooking Time required : 15minutes
Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 70minutes
筒井チャンネル Time required : 15minutes
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