kattyanneru Time required : 25minutes
Cold tofu (natto and okra cold tofu style) | Recipe transcription by Shinpei Kurihara "Gochisousama Channel"
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- 373本
- Silken tofu : 1/2
- オクラ : 2本
- カニ風味かまぼこ : 2本
- 小粒納豆 : 1パック
- 青じそ : 2枚
- (A) Soy sauce : 小さじ1
- (A) Sushi vinegar : 小さじ1
- (A) Salt : 小さじ1/3
- (A) Sesame oil : 小さじ2
- 焼き海苔 : 適量
- 塩(オクラ用) : 1つまみ
Time required
Do the preparations
Cut off the calyx and stem end of the okra.
Add the okra and salt (for the okra) to a pot of boiling water (not included in the recipe) and boil for 40 seconds.
Drain the hot water (not included in the recipe), remove the okra, and place in water (not included in the recipe) to cool.
Place the silken tofu in a bowl and mash it with a rolling pin.
Drain the okra and cut into 5mm pieces and place in a bowl.
Cut the crab-flavored kamaboko into 7-8mm pieces and place in a bowl.
Finely chop the green onions and place in a bowl. -
Add small grain natto and (A) to 1.
Mix until sticky. -
Place 2 on a plate.
Finish by placing roasted seaweed on a small plate.
・A recipe for a cold tofu-like snack made by crumbling silken tofu.
・Serves 2.
・Wrap the silken tofu in kitchen paper and leave it for at least an hour to drain the water.
- If you mash silken tofu in a mortar and pestle, it will have a smoother texture.
- If you like, wrap it in roasted seaweed and eat it.
Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 20minutes
식탁일기 table diary Time required : 90minutes
和菓子お兄さん【タダヒロのお菓子作り】 Time required : 25minutes
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