syun cooking Time required : 25minutes
Rare Cheesecake | Terayama Food's Recipe Transcription
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- Dairy products such as yogurt to drink on the market : 450ml
- Commercial cookies : 1 bag (70g)
- Powdered gelatin : 10g
- hot water : 100cc
- butter : 10g
Time required
Make cookie dough
Put the cookie in a storage bag and beat it with a cotton swab to crush it.
Add butter, knead from the top of the bag and mix well.
Spread the cookie dough on the tapper, cover it with plastic wrap, and press it from above. -
Melt seratin
Put gelatin powder in a container, add hot water and mix well with a spoon to dissolve.
Make the dough
Put dairy products in a bowl, add 2 and mix well.
Pour the dough into the tapper of 1 and cover it.
Refrigerate overnight to harden.
・ Anyone can easily make it because it only mixes the ingredients and cools it.
・ Please note that powdered gelatin may not harden unless it is completely dissolved.
・ You can use your favorite dairy products, but the sweetness varies depending on the product, so adjust the taste with sugar.
・ The storage bag used when crushing cookies should be thick and hard to tear.
・ When laying the cookie dough, compact it to prevent it from collapsing.
・ The time required for cooling and hardening is not included in the required time.
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