apron Time required : 20minutes
野菜漬け|こっタソの自由気ままに【Kottaso Recipe】さんのレシピ書き起こし
お気に入りに追加- Number of Subscribers
- 80.5万人
- Number of View
- 2.1億回
- Number of Videos
- 972本
- キュウリ : 2本
- ナス : 2本
- ミョウガ : 3本
- カブ : 5個
- オクラ : 2パック
- 赤パプリカ : 1個
- 黄パプリカ : 1個
- 大葉 : 10枚
- ショウガ : 適量
- (A)醤油 : 100ml
- (A)めんつゆ : 50ml
- (A)みりん : 100ml
- (A)酒 : 150ml
- (A)鶏ガラスープの素 : 大さじ1/2
- (A)酢 : 大さじ2
- (A)豆板醤 : 大さじ1/2
- 干し椎茸 : 2個
- 塩昆布 : 大さじ1/2
- 炒りごま : 適量
- 輪切り唐辛子 : 適量
Time required
Remove the calyx from the eggplant, cut it into 1 to 2 cm squares, and put it in a bowl. Cut the cucumber in the same way, put it in a bowl, add 1 teaspoon of salt, and rub it with salt.
Cut okra, paprika and turnips
Put the okra in the net, shave it, wash it with water, remove the calyx and tip, and cut it into 5 mm widths. Remove the calyx and cotton from the paprika and cut into 1 cm squares. Put the cut vegetables in a container for pickling. Rinse 1 with water, squeeze lightly, and add to the container. Cut the turnip at the base of the stem, peel it, cut it into 1 cm squares, and add it to the container.
Put (A) in a pan and ignite to boil. Turn off the heat, add dried shiitake mushrooms and 3 ginger, and leave until the heat is removed.
・ If you shave the board with okra in the net, it will be easier to work and the downy hair will be easily removed by the friction of the net.
・ Vegetables can be delicious even if you add seasonal vegetables to your liking.
・ Mentsuyu can be replaced with white soup.
・ Doubanjiang can be replaced with gochujang.
・ If you don't like the spiciness of doubanjiang, add the same amount of red miso and add a little garlic to make it delicious.
・ The seasoning is deep so that you can eat it over various things such as somen, udon, rice, and cold tofu, so if you want to eat it as it is, it is recommended to dilute the taste or increase the amount of vegetables. ..
・ The standard storage period is about 4 days when refrigerated.
・ It is delicious to eat immediately after mixing, but if you soak it for about half a day, the taste will soak into it and you will be able to eat it even more deliciously.
・ Low calorie and recommended for dieting.
・ A simple recipe that just cuts vegetables and soaks them in sauce.
cook kafemaru Time required : 8minutes
kattyanneru Time required : 20minutes
あさごはんチャンネル Time required : 5minutes
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