syun cooking Time required : 10minutes
きゅうりの一本漬け|こっタソの自由気ままに【Kottaso Recipe】さんのレシピ書き起こし
お気に入りに追加- Number of Subscribers
- 80.5万人
- Number of View
- 2.1億回
- Number of Videos
- 972本
- キュウリ : 6本
- 塩(板ずり用) : 小さじ3
- 生ショウガ : 適量
- 鷹の爪(輪切り) : 適量
- 乾燥昆布 : 3cm×3cmの大きさ1枚
- (A)白だし : 大さじ4
- (A)水 : 50ml
- (A)酢 : 大さじ1~3
- (A)砂糖 : 大さじ1/2
- (A)塩 : 大さじ1/2
Time required
Put cucumber and ginger in a storage bag, add hawk claws, dried kelp, and (A), deflate the storage bag, seal it, and let it sit in the refrigerator for half a day to a day to complete.
・ If you do not have dried kelp, you can use kelp tea or mentsuyu instead.
・ The amount of water may be even smaller if it is soaked for more than a day.
・ If you like strong seasoning, add a little mentsuyu or soy sauce to make it even more delicious.
・ A recipe that is easy to make and easy to eat even on hot days.
・ Peel the cucumber with a peeler to make it easier for the taste to soak into it.
・ A storage bag such as a zip lock is recommended for the pickling container.
・ Do not wash dried kelp, but wipe off dirt with kitchen paper before use.
・ Low calorie and recommended for dieting.
・ The time to soak is not included in the cooking time.
Evening cafeteria Time required : 20minutes
Koh Kentetsu Kitchen [Cooking expert Koh Kentetsu official channel] Time required : 20minutes
No waste! Makanai Dojo (MAKANAI DOUJYOU) Time required : 10minutes
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