MoLaLa Cook Time required : 50minutes
Boiled offal | Cooking expert Ryuji's Buzz Recipe's recipe transcription
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- モツ : 500g
- 大根 : 300g
- ニンジン : 150g
- こんにゃく : 1袋
- 長ネギ : 1本(150g)
- ニンニク(2片はすりおろして入れる) : 1玉
- 生姜 : 10g
- ごま油 : 大さじ1
- 水 : 1リットル
- (A)白だし : 大さじ4
- (A)味噌 : 大さじ4
- (A)酒 : 大さじ2
- (A)みりん : 大さじ2
- 七味唐辛子 : 適量
Time required
Cut the ingredients
Cut the carrot into thin half-moons.
Cut the radish into 4 equal parts vertically and horizontally, and then slice them into thin slices.
Peel the garlic.
Rinse the konjac well with lukewarm water and use a spoon to tear it into small pieces.
Cut the green onions into thin slices and expose them to water for tens of minutes. -
Put sesame oil in a warm frying pan and fry the offal.
Add radish and carrots and fry.
When the oil is completely mixed, add konjac.
Leave 2 pieces of garlic and add all the rest.
Fry while mixing. -
When the ingredients are mixed, add water and (A).
When the pot boils, reduce the heat to medium heat and simmer for about an hour. -
Finish and serve
Grate ginger (with skin) and 2 pieces of garlic, put in 3 and simmer for a few minutes.
Serve in a bowl and place the drained green onions.
Sprinkle with shichimi pepper if you like, and it's done.
・ Materials for 4 to 5 people.
・ Do not peel radishes and carrots because it is a waste of time and nutrition.
・ Cut the calyx of garlic and tap it with the back of a kitchen knife with its cross section facing down, and the skin will peel off well.
・ If you tear the konjac with a spoon, the cross section will be more stepped than if you cut it with a kitchen knife, and the taste will be more easily absorbed.
・ By exposing the green onions to water, the spiciness is removed.
・ For offal, use "pork white offal" sold at supermarkets.
・ The offal sold in packs has almost no odor, but if you do, boil the offal once or twice.
・ Add ginger and garlic at the end to remove the offal odor. At this time, ginger should be grated and scented.
・ If you like the soft texture of offal, you should increase the boiling time by about 1 hour.
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