Cooking expert Ryuji's buzz recipe Time required : 10minutes
お気に入りに追加- Number of Subscribers
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- Number of Videos
- 443本
- Cotton tofu : 2 (800g)
- 卵 : 2個
- ラカント : 80g
- 油 : 小さじ1/2
Time required
Drain the tofu
After draining the tofu, wrap it in kitchen paper and heat it in a 600W microwave oven for 3 minutes. After heating, squeeze it by hand to squeeze the water.
Make dough
Put the drained tofu in a bowl and mash it with a blender. When smooth, add egg and cod roe and mix well.
Add oil to the omelet, reduce the heat to as low as possible, and add all the dough. Stir to even out the dough, deflate and spread the dough to the corners. Cover with aluminum foil and bake for 20 minutes. Take out the dough, turn it over, cover it with aluminum foil again, and bake it on low heat for 17 to 20 minutes to complete.
・ Ingredients are for 5 to 6 people.
・ High protein and suitable for diet.
・ 80g of Lacanto is used to make it slightly sweeter. If you like sweeter, adjust the amount of lacant.
・ The only ingredients are tofu, eggs and lacant. A sweets recipe that can be easily made with familiar ingredients and saves money.
・ In the video, tofu is heated in a microwave oven, wrapped in a cloth and squeezed, but it can be drained sufficiently by heating in a microwave oven.
・ When crushing tofu, if there is no blender, a food processor, mixer, electric whipper, etc. can be used instead.
・ When baking the dough in step 3, you can put the dough in the omelet when it is not warm and you can bake it without any problem.
・ When it is baked, remove the heat and chill it in the refrigerator to eat, but you can eat it as it is.
・ When you eat it, it is delicious even if you sprinkle it with soy sauce.
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